Since the perfection of these systems is both evident and intuitive, I will not be taking questions on what each attribute influences. Thank you.
d33 Three-Attribute Systems
- Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
- Fellowship, Towers, King
- TAnach, New Testament, book of MOrmon
- Hope, Empire, Jedi
- PHantom, CLone, SIth
- Red, Green, Blue
- OF the people, BY the people, FOR the people
- Freedom, Order, Autocracy
- Rock, Paper, Scissors
- Nasty, Brutish, Short
- SEX, DRUgs, Rock aNd Roll
- THEsis, ANTIthesis, SYNthesis
- Mind, Body, Soul
- ID, EGO, SUperego (or Kirk, Spock, Mccoy)
- life as MAChine, life as ORGanism, life as DRAma
- Potence, Knowledge, Benificence
- LUnatic, LIar, LOrd
- Fast, Good, Cheap (pick the average of two)
- NARcissism, MACHiavellianism, PSYchopathy
- CAEsar, CRAssus, POMpey
- Shrek, Fiona, Donkey
- Good, Bad, Ugly
- HAMmer, ANVil, STiRrup
- the BRItish matter, the FREnch matter, the ROMan matter
- LIEs, DAMn lies, STATistics
- Lust, Wrath Greed
- Eros, Philia, Agape
- lao TZU, CONfucius, VICtor hugo
- WISdom, COUrage, POWer
- Creator, Preserver, Destroyer
- Anger, Sorrow, Joy
- KING, GOD, NONbeliever
Simple and self-evident! Masterful work
ReplyDeleteMarvelous! So clever.
ReplyDeleteBecause the form is irresistiblely fun, I couldn't help a trio of imitations:
TRUe, GOOd, BEAutiful
SINe, COSine, TANgent
ZERg, PROtos, TERran
love king god nonbeliever