Saturday, April 20, 2019

(table) The 36 Names of Angels

Angels are servants of the god Occulat, who created the Earth and the Optical Focus (or "sun" as humans call it.) Her angels send messages, offer tutelage in optics and architecture, and protect the commandments. They are figures of light, fire, and reproach.
They do not save. They know your life is important, but trust that you will be vindicated in the afterlife. The mission is too important. An angel can explicate the meaning of the world, but lack words like "compromise" and "gravity."

Table: d6/6 Angels of Occulat
11. Axiel
12. Refractiel
13. Aspheriel
14. Apeturiel
15. Convexiel
16. Menisciel
21. Planoniel
22. Attenuel
23. Etaloniel
24. Boriel
25. Harmoniel
26. Coheriel
31. Collimiel
32. Illumiel
33. Vitriel
34. Diffusiel
35. Resonael
36. Fociel
41. Polariel
42. Irisiel
43. Nodiel
44. Lumeniel
45. Lucentiel
46. Prismiel
51. Magniel
52. Vertexiel
53. Retinael
54. Convergiel
55. Scopiel
56. Quantumiel
61. Parallaxiel
62. Moduliel
63. Curvaturiel
64. Divergiel
65. Reflectiel

66. Deflectiel

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