Thursday, April 4, 2019

An Hundred Times Made Plain

A character starts play knowing a very small amount of languages, conceivably one. Each language they know can be fluent, accented, or broken. If they start play only knowing one language, they are fluent in that language. If they start play knowing more than one, they are fluent in one and accented in all others. If they have a positive intelligence modifier, they gain two language points. These may be spent to learn a new language brokenly, advance broken knowledge to accented, or accented to fluent.
Fluent speakers can hold conversations comfortably and seldom run into the borders of their vocabulary. Most native speakers of a language are considered fluent, even if they are not especially eloquent. “Accented” speakers not only have an accent but incomplete vocabularies. Broken speakers cannot create any but very simple sentences. An example of broken speech is Aldo Raine “speaking” Italian in Inglorious Basterds.
Every month in which a character is studying a language:

  • They may test diligence to gain a point. 
  • If they are immersed in a culture that primarily speaks that language, they may test nonverbals to gain a point.
  •  If they are studying formal or ancient documents, they may test implicature to gain a point.

Languages will not be listed here, because that should vary with the world in which the game is set.

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