Saturday, October 19, 2024

Under the Floorboards

 "I fell through the floor, and there I was..." for GLoGtober 2024.

Alan Lee

If you look at floorplans of centuries-old palaces and temples and castles, there's all these gridded webs that seem like they must be pure support, not normal rooms. What's going on in there? I have fair guesses, but it's hard to investigate online.

That structure in the middle of the courtyard. Who is she?


I'm sure this is clear and obvious to many people, but it's the sort of thing that's hard to google.

Peripheral structures, supports, and architectural necessities can create interesting spaces in otherwise mundane areas, just because they were not designed for people to enter or scale them. They're natural obstacles, fine hiding places, and when destroyed might trigger a suitably impressive chain reaction.

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