Monday, October 7, 2024

d20 Finds in Death's Apartment (GLoGtober)

 "Death and Divinity" for GLoGtober 2024


d20 Finds

  1. chess set, but all the black pawns are knights and the black king has a skull instead of a crown
  2. hand mirror. Shows all the bad things likely to happen if you survive an incipient brush with death
  3. the oldest dog in the world
  4. very, very long checklist
  5. hostage kit: whistle, vial of acid, cuff-slipping gloves, razor-edged shoes
  6. pot cigarettes, a gift from the Devil. Take a puff and make a save vs. death!
  7. Magnus, his godson (Magic-User 3). Waiting around to see if his godfather remembers it's his birthday
  8. cross, for sale, barely used
  9. box of old needles, each containing the life of otherwise immortal personages. Can't deduce how to get em out of there
  10. a posthumous Van Gogh painting of a lady in the shade of a tree
  11. old record, "Swansong", worth its weight in platinum
  12. weights set, but all bones
  13. a canary in a cage
  14. Death's address book. Highlights include Dracula, Acererak, and God
  15. several half-drunk bottles of very poisoned wine
  16. jar of bird blood. Attracts ghosts
  17. anti-gun. Brings things to life. Six shots.
  18. bag of hand bones. Functions as a wand of finger of death, with five charges. The bag lightens with each casting
  19. portrait of the master of the house with an artist friend
  20. many, many candles, your own burned down nearly to the end.

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