Spooky Halloween monsters for GLoGtober 2024.
Skara Woundbite- party attacked by four 1 HD orcs. After the battle, one is still alive but in pain. You gotta put her out of her misery. Every 1d4 days, she comes back, with +1 HD and a new ability based on method of dispatch. Slit her throat? That cut becomes a second mouth. She believes that killing the party will end her curse.
- Final death: buried with funeral, Remove Curse spell, or complete destruction of the body.
Grumbler: random PC dreams that a nonexistent party member, a scraggly soldier in a bright blue and red coat, sits around their fire, making a lot of petty complaints about the PCs. Why does she get a full share? She didn’t help at all when those hellhounds attacked. How come you get to pay for your rations out of the party fund? I told you guys that room was trapped and you didn’t listen. The next day, at the worst possible time, they’ll turn and see the Grumbler make some decisive action— triggering a trap, spoiling an ambush, etc. Every night a new dream, and each day more frequent interference. If challenged, will aggressively defend his actions as simply being his nature, and will claim he’s a good man, just a little chaotic.
- Final death: exorcism (counts as 6 HD undead for Turn attempts), pour holy water in the afflicted’s ears, or one-shot the grumbler when he appears.
The Bonelicker: reptile-like, muscular demon. Preferentially attacks women. (People don’t like it when the monsters are sexist.) Lair (multiple chambers in a dungeon) covered in woman bones, sucked dry. Final death if slain by a woman. Otherwise, will hatch from the next problematic book read by the person who delivered the killing blow. (There will be several in the lair.)
Needle Master: body of a bear, quills of a porcupine, legs of a horse, head of a skunk. Whenever PCs damage it, explain that you’ll be really upset if they kill it, but keep having it try to kill them.
Bellumundi: A complex creature. Resembles a naga, but the tip of its tail is connected to the heel of a warrior, gentle and bold both. Where they fight, bystanders die. Banks empty. Crops are carried away by the wind. Each has 7 HD, and if one wins their fight, the other is nourished to new life after about a week as the victor gloats and feasts.
You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the Grumbler.