Thursday, July 25, 2024

d30 Rings

 Something neat about rings is that to use one (if we imagine it has some use), it's fair to say it must be warn with nothing over it, allowing it to be seen by all. This means that unless the players employ creative means, you're probably not wearing a gauntlet or thick leather glove on the same hand as your special ring, which has all sorts of great implications for trap mechanisms, venomous stings, and the like.

Some of these rings are mundane. Some are bad, whether they carry a potentially deleterious social consequence, are more conventionally "cursed", or punish you with more adventure. There's a broad spectrum of bad consequences that can come to a PC. It's nice to get a mix.

d30 Rings

  1. Clan Ring. On an outsider, signifies adoption. Fraudulently wearing the ring is punishable by death.
  2. Irregular Shaped Head. Used as a key, inserted into a mated circular lock.
  3. Inscription on the inside, a password.
  4. Hilt Ring. Odd head, but when twisted upside down it fits perfectly into the groove of a unique magic sword's handle, unlocking its powers.
  5. Secret Society Symbol. 2-in-6 chance of favorably being noticed by (d10):
    1. Officers
    2. Rebels
    3. Priests
    4. Intelligent Undead
    5. Politicians
    6. Dwarves
    7. Intelligent Extraplanars
    8. Rangers
    9. Shamans
    10. Dopplegangers
  6. Ruling Family's Signet Ring. Delightfully illegal to possess.
  7. Hollow Jade Compartment. Currently contains Powder of Giant Strength.
  8. Mouse-Pattern Etchings. Can roll around under its own power and will obey its owner if well treated. Too brave.
  9. Lead-Button Ring. When pressed, fixes itself in space. When pressed again, unfixes it.
  10. Obsidian Gem. When the ring is held out, the obsidian glows and sheds light light a bullseye lantern. Your hand likely has to be empty to get much use out of this.
  11. Silver Fang Ring. When put on, bites for 1 HP damage. When removed, for as long as the blood is wet, shows a pinhole tableau of the person you have most hated in the world.
  12. Copper Glass-Stone Ring. The next time you're electroctuted, instead of suffering harm the glass stone explodes.
  13. Spinning Ring. When spun, shows a brief zoetropic scene of a sword dancer.
  14. Flinty Gem. Creates a spark when struck against stone.
  15. Centipede Ring. Legs on the outside, carapace on the inside. When set against a wall or ceiling, can swirl at high speed like a wheel on a zipline to carry the wearer side to side.
  16. Narwhal Horn Ring. Itches and turns taupe in the presence of poison or bad air.
  17. Whistle Ring. Blow into it to produce a sound that dogs can hear. Also other creatures.
  18. Holographic Cameo Ring. Shows an important person's face.
  19. Monkey Ring. When put on, it can't be taken off. The finger turns hairy and wrinkled. Grants one wish in a dickish fashion, then turns to slime. The finger is ruined forever.
  20. Magician Ring. Can cast the following spells at will, and will use them to punish the wearer: Knock, Animate Dead (takes 1 minute, 60 ft. range), Charm Person (Touch only, not the wearer).
  21. Larcenos. The command word "Larcenos" is written on the inside of this fine gold ring. Speaking it while holding the ring summons a bugbear to beat you to death with a club.
  22. Soul Ring. Contains the mind of an ancient thief. Gain +3 effective thief levels for the purpose of thief skills, but save vs spells every time you have the opportunity to use one but don't want to.
  23. Decision Ring. One edge is blue, one is red. Flipped by the indecisive to make choices.
  24. Pearl Ring. Turns black when your true love dies.
  25. Cracked Ruby Ring. That which you pick up in this hand combusts a few seconds later. Can only be removed at temperatures above 120 F (49 C).
  26. Cloudy Yellow Gem. Explodes on contact with water. 2d6 damage, and save to salvage 1d3 other fingers, plus thumb.
  27. Banker's Magnet Ring. Used to find counterfeit coins.
  28. Moaning Gargoyle Ring. Drains 1d4 HP per round-- profound sizzling needling pain. Save each round to remove.
  29. Wedding Band. By wearing this, you are officially married to the Prince of Dust, bound to him as he is to you. A merciless wizard tyrant, he is pleasant but not loving. Ring can't be removed without annulment, divorce, or death.
  30. Wedding Band. By wearing this, you are officially married to the dryad-witch Candomede. Beautiful, but oddly shallow and careless for a witch. Always needs help dealing with more of the local pirates. Ring can't be removed without annulment, divorce, or death.
PS, here's a generator with most of the magic items I've come up with over the years: