Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Homo Ferox (GLoG Class: Assassin)

 The man who everyone wants to kill will only die by mistake. Whoever wins the hate of their people must have cruel guards and impervious safeguards, else they would have been taken away from life long ago. Sometimes, the mistake that kills them is the presence of someone who could not have intentionally gotten into the right position, but finds themselves in it now. A man sits in another restaurant and decides to hide a bomb on the sixth floor instead of the first, and his mark survives. Another man sulks in a restaurant because his mark got away, and he looks up to see that same mark in a stopped car, and so he gets his second chance.

Part of an assassin GLoG class bandwagon. Yo.


Start with a fold-out knife, petard, highly illegal thief's rope (50'), discrete cap and coat, and one really big time-delay bomb. At each level, get +1 to-hit or DEX.

  • A: Infamy, Luck
  • B: Improvisation
  • C: Patience
  • D: Old News

Perfection, of a kind, was what he was after,

And the poetry he invented was easy to understand;

He knew human folly like the back of his hand,

And was greatly interested in armies and fleets;

When he laughed, respectable senators burst with laughter,

And when he cried the little children died in the streets.

- Epitaph on a Tyrant, W. H. Auden

Infamy: By lucking into success precisely once, you have cut a clean line between your life before the kill and after. Authorities will hunt you, even if the leader you killed was their state's enemy. Such is life in this bitch age. Revolutionaries and creatures of the margins will assume you must be a high-level character, not to be trifled with lightly.

Luck: You have a pool of up to three Luck Points, which can be spent to reroll a failed attempt at moving quickly, sneaking, fast-talking, or searching; or to cause someone (of the DM's choice, usually a random civilian) to happen to be passing by; or to make it so an NPC recognizes you. You start with two Luck Points, because you spent one happening to be able to kill your famous mark. Recover a Luck Point every time the DM thinks you're screwed, or when you participate in the killing of a monstrous leader.

Improvisation: You have developed an instinct for sudden and shocking violence. Whenever you roll initiative, you can take an action, like attacking someone or running for it, before the combat starts. If that action is to attack someone unaware they're in danger, you automatically hit.

Patience: Spend a few days conferring with your contacts to establish where and when in the next couple weeks your target will come from their stronghold. Learn a bit about the guards and measures they will bring with them, and about their itinerary. There is a 2-in-6 chance that there are no trivial changes that threaten to scuttle your plan of attack.

Old News: The authorities you bested no longer hunt you; other authorities no longer fear you. This is just as you come into your own training the next generation of stupid daredevils. Your maximum number of Luck Points increases to six. They can be spent to aid an ally or protege you've prepped to do anything you can use them for; to tell if someone is hunting for you; or to reroll a save vs magic, explosions, and gunshot or stabbing-related wounds.