Monday, March 17, 2025

Traveller (Mongoose 1e) World Generator

 I tried really really hard to make this 100% accurate to the rulebook, but was stumped a couple times. This generator won't give you the temperature of the planet, so they tend to have more water than generating a word by hand because the only modifiers temperature applies to hydrology is negative. More importantly, I couldn't account for all bonuses contributing to Tech Level, so I tried to average it out among all possible worlds by making its base roll a d7 instead of a d6. Though these compromises are unfortunate, I think the generator is very usable.

In addition to the book's work, I compiled suggested planet names from such places as an online list of Greek words and a wikipedia entry on fonts. I also expanded the potential cultural quirks list. This was all made functional by Spwack's wonderful list-to-HTML tool.

This generator uses the Universal World Profile format:

  1. Starport quality (A is good, E is basic AF)
  2. Size (0 is an asteroid, 2 is Luna-size, 8 is Earth-size)
  3. Atmosphere Type (6 is Earth-like, 1-5 is various kinds of thin, 7-9 is varyingly thick, A-F is weird)
  4. Hydrographic percentage (multiply by ten, give or take. 1 is 10% water, A is 100%)
  5. Population (in orders of magnitude. If 0, no population outside spaceport)
  6. Government type (complicated, but assume that higher numbers are more dystopian. 7 is multiple governments competing to be the global hegemon)
  7. Law level (0 is anarchy, 10+ is maximal control)
    1. (hyphen)
  8. Tech Level (1 is Bronze/Iron age, 3 is 18th century, 5 is widespread electricity, 7 is the 70's, 9 is interstellar settlements, etc.)


  1. I hate to bear bad news, but the results have 6 places before the hyphen, while your key has 7.

    1. Right you are, thanks for catching that. It should work now.
